Field experts

We pretested the items of our policy questionnaire in each of our five reproduction policy fields with field experts. Experts gave feedback on their field of expertise to improve the questionnaire. This process helped to ensure we included the most relevant aspects of regulation in all fields, and that the final data set would contain useful policy indicators.


Field experts

  • Aliza Forman-Rabinovici, Occidental College, USA
  • Emily Jackson, London School of Economics, UK
  • Nadine Reibling, Hochschule Fulda, Germany
  • Christine Rothmayr Allison, University of Montréal, Canada
  • Sara Scharmanski, BzgA, Germany
  • Leigh Senderowicz, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
  • Heike Trappe, University of Rostock, Germany
  • Heini Väisanen, Institut national d’études démographiques (INED), France
  • Ewa Visser-Kaminska, University of Bremen, Germany